by Andrew Jamieson | Apr 21, 2014 | Cycle Training, Cycling Nutrition, Cycling Sports Science
More Training Benefit As yet unpublished research bathed muscle cells in bicarbonate compared to a salt solution (both of these are with no exercise). After three days there was an increase in mitochondrial protein of 50%. The cell also took on characteristics of an...
by Andrew Jamieson | Apr 21, 2014 | Cycle Training, Cycling Nutrition, Cycling Sports Science
Deciding on what supplements to take can be a headache, but here is something that has been shown to improve performance and the effectiveness of your training. And is cheap! In Competition Studies as early as 1931(2) showed the potential for baking soda (bicarbonate...
by Andrew Jamieson | Apr 21, 2014 | Cycle Training, Cycling Sports Science, Sports Testing
posted May 29, 2012, 6:09 PM by Andrew Jamieson Performance Tests Time Trials & FTP Real world tests can give valuable information on how training is influencing performance. Simple Time trials over a set course (or time, as with Functional Threshold Power or FTP...
by Andrew Jamieson | Apr 21, 2014 | Cycle Training, Cycling Sports Science, Sports Testing
posted May 23, 2012, 3:22 AM by Andrew Jamieson Physiological Tests Continuing on from Fitlab Blog 1, I will discuss some physiological tests which can be used to help improve our performance, including: VO2 max, Anaerobic Threshold (also known as AT, LT or OBLA) and...
by Andrew Jamieson | Apr 21, 2014 | Cycle Training, Cycling Sports Science, Sports Testing
posted May 14, 2012, 4:53 PM by Andrew Jamieson Before I launch into various types of testing, it is important to note why you would want to be tested in the first place. Why would a person suffer through a maximal exercise test, or find out what your body fat is?...