Mike Naylor
About: Elite Road Cyclist
Services: Performance Assessment Cycling and Training Plan -Wellington
Started with Fitlab: September 2008
Tools: Garmin GPS
I am a 26 year old elite road cyclist. In the last 5 years I’ve raced in Asia and Europe as well as competing in every major New Zealand event. I first started with Fitlab in 2008, at the time I was frustrated with my progress and considering packing it in. The Fitlab programme pinpointed a number of weaknesses and designed a training plan to work on them. It made a huge difference, within 6 months I was far stronger, sprinting for the win at races I had previously struggled to finish. I still use a similar programme today!
Getting the balance of intervals, strength work and recovery just right is difficult for any athlete. With Fitlab, the regular lactic threshold tests enabled my programme to be tweaked and honed so the form would peak at just the right time. Furthermore the tests provide reassurance that all the hard work is paying off – a huge psychological boost!
I’m no science geek, so having the test data broken down in a way that was easy to understand was great. Despite Fitlab’s scientific approach, training programmes were never a bore and retained the simple joy of riding, something important to me.
Training with Fitlab took me exactly where I wanted to go – racing overseas. I would recommend Fitlab to any cyclist looking to achieve a big goal be it K2, the National Champs or going pro. Fitlab combines World class sports science with a friendly and hands-on style of coaching to get the best out of you.
Website: wheelworks.co.nz/racing/