Mark Hewett
About: Masters Road
Services: Coaching/Testing
Coach: Steve Bale
Started with Fitlab: October 2017
Tools: Stages Power Meter
I’m 58, have been riding regularly since 2013. I treat riding as way of keeping fit, plus I enjoy the social side. I’ve been doing a lot of k’s and I’m definitely endurance fit, but I lack strength on the hills and would like to get a bit more speed.
I have done Taupo 3 times and K2 once.
I had a coach for a year in 2013. He was based in Auckland which was fine but I did miss out on the one to one hands on stuff. I enjoyed having a coach, made me focus, plus I always felt guilty if I missed a ride. I really did hate if I couldn’t upload the days ride, so I feel I need to be accountable which works for me.
Started with Fitlab October 2107
Steve is very generous with his time, very hands on, makes the rides simple by explaining what to do and recommending a route to achieve this. He loves the data side of things and I’m sure after a few months he will have data showing me how much I’ve improved and that will be fantastic.
Steve has fitted a power meter on my bike, which to start with I wasn’t sure about. He was so passionate about power that I thought if I’m going down this path, pointless not doing what was asked. After riding with power for a couple of months, I find it excellent. I have one number to aim for, I know when to push harder, plus easy to see improvement from week to week.
I’m going to do a year with Fitlab building up strength and speed at a steady rate, not at a rate that I’m tied all the time, falling a sleep on the sofa every evening.