Grayson Napier
About: elite rider with L&M Cycling Team (NZ)
Services: Performance Assessment Cycling and Training Plan – Nelson
Started with Fitlab: April 2012
Tools: Quarc crank based Ant+ power meter
Andrew has coached me for a few years now and he always seems to impress me with his keen attitude towards proper training techniques. I honestly don’t think I would be where I am today if I had not sent an email of interest to him about taking my training to the next level.
Andrew has been working with me since I was 16. From that time I have worked hard and won (while still a junior) the KOM jersey at the Tour of Southland, the elite criterium at the Armstrong Prestige Festival of Cycling in Christchurch, the Yunca junior Tour of Southland KOM jersey, plus a few more elite races as a first year U23 in 2014 including: the Sprint Ace jersey at the Green Mountain Stage Race in Vermont and the Chicago Inteligensia Cup Pro Criterium (both in the US).
As I work towards racing full time, Andrew (through Fitlab) sets, and monitors, my day to day training plan using Cycling Analytics and uses the performance assessment to track my progress and set my training zones.
An email is all it takes to get world class coaching so don’t hesitate on an amazing opportunity